
Aldmouth, Rossek, Tanor

Population: 27,369 (estimated 2981 YA)

Located on the North-East Coast of Rossek, Aldmouth lies on the mouth of the river Aldon, and is a large player in transporting goods from nearby Cheston and Sheldon to Corinth and beyond. Unfortunately, the town is probably infamous for Aldmouth Fever, a disease of the lungs which was borne from a virulent cargo all the way from southern Bastet, beyond the safety of Nare. The disease first appeared in 2207 YA, at the height of the trade alliance between Bast and Tanor. The cargo had decayed into a paste-like mould after two months travel from the lands beyond Nare, yet the food was still eaten in ignorance. Thankfully, it was a decadent cargo, so very few people actually ate the pale fruit, yet the disease is slow-acting and contagious, a deadly combination which killed 86 people once it had run its course. The disease is thought to be the precursor to several small plagues in Tanor and Bast, as well as the Black Plague in 2997 YA. Since its first sighting in 2207 YA, several antidotes have been used, so catching it not need mean death. However, Aldmouth itself despises the association with the disease, and tries harder than most to fight it.