
Alethion, Theon

Country Capital

Population: 101,337 (estimated 2955 YA)

The oldest human city on Neon, and the heart of the Anahitan religion, Alethion is a spiritual and physical birthplace for an entire nation. It is here that the Prophets go to forewarn, where the philosophers go to ponder. Where in other places Anahita is merely the Faerie Queen and the savior of humanity, here she is equal to Beond the Creator, heralded as the sustainer of life and protector of all. A literal Mecca, every one of Theon’s million-strong population travels to the city for pilgrimage in their life, some going several times. It is the largest port in Theon, supplying and shipping goods from across Neon to its cultural birthplace.

Established in the dying days of the War of Mages, whilst Anahita still walked and the Nephalim ravaged what was to become Ter’Ciel and Bastet, it set itself up as the home of a new religion, one based upon humanity and it’s sustainer, Anahita. Whilst the rest of humanity was clustered in small roaming bands, this new religion gave the people a cause and a banner. When Anahita forged the Hope Link and created what would become Atlantis, the people had already built a city for their new future. As the people filtered out to farmlands, the city grew also, reflecting the will of the worshippers.

The city became the heart of the country, a benchmark to which the other fledging nations could aspire to. Grand Prophets came and went, delivering messages of dire warning to avert the fall of Theon. Yet the city still stands, the greatest city of all - next to Atlantis, of course.