

Idilios | Idillia | Irontop


Idilios, Teshire

Population: 68,349 (Est. 2981 YA)

The lesser cousin to the city of Idillia, which has several military camps around it after Rossek’s expansion. The city is on the main trade route between Idillia and Terchest, which receives goods from Silvas and beyond.


Idillia, Teshire

Population: 69,546 (Est. 2981 YA)

Once a riverfront city which was little remarked in Tanorian history, Idillia, and it’s cousin Idilios, sprang to fame after the Second Apollyon War, when Rossek expanded to several miles away. The expansion of borders far beyond what they were previously has stirred up tension in the Teshire after several centuries of stability. The armies which have switched to Teshire’s and Durian’s control after Rossek seized the throne have since set up camps near Idillia.


Irontop, Rossek

Population: 73,457 (Est. 2981 YA)

The largest mining settlement in Tanor, and the source of most of Rossek’s wealth, Irontop is well named. Built upon several hills which have revealed several strong shafts of Iron, as well as bronze and other metals. As a result of this Irontop is the center of commerce for Rossek, fueling the cities from Cheston to Aldmouth.