

Janus Cully, | Jared Anglen,

Janus Cully

See Cast Entry.

Jared Anglen (2962 - 3002)

Born to a small family in the peninsulas of Moiran, on the west coast of Theon, Jared Anglen lived a simple life, learning the fishing trade from his father and uncles in the town of Sanan. However, faced with the prospect of being totally dependant on this monotonous task for the rest of his life, Jared decided to leave the town at 21 and trek to Moletta, where he joined the army and the chance of earning his own livelihood. After six years rising through the ranks in the 4th Regiment of Silverfin Guard, Jared and 10,000 other soldiers from Theon were sent off to Tanor, where Apollyon had risen again. (More...)