

Orbour | Ortop | Osvac


Orbour, Tanor

Population: 37,246 (Est. 2981 YA)

The direct route for the iron smelted in Ortop, where it is sold as a raw material to Atlantis and Barbaria. The large town also acts as the trading spot for Bastet, shipping food out and bedrock out to build Tanor. Most of the trade has since been quashed since Tanor became insular, yet there is a large smuggling trade which has not yet been challenged.


Ortop, Tanor

Population: 55,790 (Est. 2981 YA)

Lying high within the mountain regions of Durian, Ortop has long since exhausted the mines below it and is now simply a centre point for the small mining communities around them. From the caves formed below the city springs the River Or, which flows across Durian to Orbour. The river is so-called because of the legend that iron ores could be easily found within the river when the Duri first arrived in Tanor.


Osvac, Mazda

Population: 67,259 (Est. 2955 YA)

Lying on the trade route between the north and south of Mazda, Osvac grew from an important market-town to the booming sprawl of buildings it is today. It is famous for the smooth tabac that is grown in the fields around the town.