

Faeries | Fanmouth | Fauna | Fren | Fren Fens |


A humanoid sentient species that lives in the cloud city of Enyan, all of the population have spiritual awareness. The Faeries are very quiet on their past, instead letting humanity try to deduce their origin from what texts exist of before the War of Mages. Most scholars agree that they must be constructs of the Angels, created to protect and guide humanity. When they were first created, they were "allied with humanity, creating Relics of grand power" according to Juwer in Celestia. (More...)


Fanmouth, Mazda

Population: 69,256 (Est. 2955 YA)

The main port of Mazda, where the river Fan flows into the Myrian Ocean after traveling across Escher and Mazda and past Mt. Anua, where it feeds the fields of the north. Here, however, much of the land is arid wasteland, with several patches of forests playing host to the settlements that feed Fanmouth’s trade. From here, the mercenaries and warriors which Mazda tends to spawn take hire abroad, often fighting each other on foreign borders.

Fauna and Flora of Neon

A list of animals and plants that are found in the comic. (More...)


The ruins of Fren lie at the center of the wastelands between Tanor and Bastet, covering a circle a mile in diameter. It is thought to be the first major city that humanity settled in before the War of Mages, although several smaller ruins can be found in Tanor and Bastet. Whilst there are few hints to what humanity was back then, it is obvious from the structures left behind that they have influenced the grand cities of Alethion, Thessa and Tanor City. However, much of the stone is near dust, twisted into a weak Relic by the War, so that the region is now uninhabitable. Very few scholars have studied the city closely, and even then carefully so as not to fall to the city’s "curse". During the Apollyon Wars of 1982 - 1988, and 2988 - 2991, the city has played host to the cult’s armies, and several swathes are decimated by the various battle fought there. It is not known whether the city is currently uninhabited or not.

Fren Fens

In the west of the region devastated by the War of the Mages lies the Fren Fens, a dark marshland that used to act as an irrigation system for the old city of Fren, before the coming of the Angels. It is now a dank swamp that is useless to all, although several Sheldon inhabitants often go on foolish dares to cross it.