

    Alcros | Aldmouth | Alethion | Alliances | Anahitanism | Andreas | Anlion | Apollyon | Argenbour | Astronomy | Atlantis |


Alcros, Teshire, Tanor

Population: 32,503 (estimated 2981 YA)

The southern-most Teshirian town to be established, it has flourished from a much-raided border post in 1486 YA to an above-average settlement that shares strong links with its surrounding towns.


Aldmouth, Rossek, Tanor

Population: 27,369 (estimated 2981 YA)

Located on the North-East Coast of Rossek, Aldmouth lies on the mouth of the river Aldon, and is a large player in transporting goods from nearby Cheston and Sheldon to Corinth and beyond. Unfortunately, the town is probably infamous for Aldmouth Fever, a disease of the lungs which was borne from a virulent cargo all the way from southern Bastet, beyond the safety of Nare. The disease first appeared in 2207 YA, at the height of the trade alliance between Bast and Tanor. (more…)


Alethion, Theon

Country Capital

Population: 101,337 (estimated 2955 YA)

The oldest human city on Neon, and the heart of the Anahitan religion, Alethion is a spiritual and physical birthplace for an entire nation. It is here that the Prophets go to forewarn, where the philosophers go to ponder. Where in other places Anahita is merely the Faerie Queen and the savior of humanity, here she is equal to Beond the Creator, heralded as the sustainer of life and protector of all. A literal mecca, every one of Theon’s million-strong population travels to the city for pilgrimage in their life, some going several times. (more...)


Since the beginnings of the War of Mages, humanity has suffered from a lack of trust as all it had built fell around it. As the Angels protected them as they fled to what is now Barbaria, they became insular, only working with those closed to them. The custom of declaring an alliance became commonplace to allay a person’s fear and mistrust, and trust became a commodity difficult to earn and easy to lose. There are three main types of Alliance…(more…)



The main religion on Neon, centered around the worship of Anahita, recognized as an Angel of Beond, as well as Beond himself. Such a large and well-maintained religion is a difficult practice to create and sustain, yet it has survived for over three thousand years of increasing prosperity. Anything with such a rich and vivid history deserves to be kept unchanged, yet Anahitanism survives by listening to the worshippers, who stay true to the spirit yet adapt to the ever-changing world of Neon. (more...)


Andreas, Tekas

Population: 36,698 (estimated 2955 YA)

Situated near the border of the Nomad lands, Andreas is the main receiver of goods from the Nomad lands, from which it can pick can choose buyers for these highly wanted materials. It also enjoys a trading alliance with nearby Lahor, with several Houses being inter-married. Apart from this, the city has imprinted little upon Neon’s history, being established during the dispersal of people to what would become Ter’Ciel, and so contributing few malcontents to the travelers.


Anlion, Stoci

Population: 41,268 (estimated 2955 YA)

A small city located in the center of Stoci, Anlion grew simply because it was the crossing ground of the surrounding farms, before traveling to Thinos to the west, and the Capital City, Thessa, to the east. Established in 391 YA, it has since prospered, slowly but surely to become the fourth largest city in Stoci.



Whilst certainly the strongest, Anahitanism was not the only religion to spawn from the War of Mages. Most of the bands of civilization that had fled what is now Bast and Ter’Ciel had an Angelic protector, although Anahita would turn out to be their savior. Once Anahita left, the rest of the Angels fled their charges, ashamed by what they had wrought. Whilst most were amalgamated into what would become Palmeria, there existed a small band that was the opposite of the Angels light. They settled within what would become Nori, yet the darkness persisted amongst the faithless inhabitants of this young town. (more...)


Argenbour, Durian, Tanor

Population: 21,244 (estimated 2981 YA)

A medium-sized town that lies on the East Coast of Durian, it is famous for being the main destination for any silver found in the Tanorian Ranges and in the Tanorian mines in Ter’Ciel. Established after the Bast Exodus in 1781 YA it has grown moderately well, specializing in the silver merchandise that Tanor is famous for from Nare to Moletta.


Neon is located on the fringes of an elliptical galaxy, orbiting 143m km from it’s sun, Yaner. Taking 377 days to orbit, it has an axial tilt of 1.5 degrees, giving a moderate climate with the typical four seasons. The land covers about a quarter of Neon, with a circumference of 24,366 km, roughly the size of Mars. There are three other planets, as well as two gas giants. Of particular note is Beond, orbiting at 167m km from Yaner, which produces a interesting spectacle as it dominates a quarter of the night sky. Neon also has a small moon, Anahita, and it is considered good luck for the two to be in conjunction.


Atlantis, Myria Federation

Country Capital

Population: 486,720 (estimated 2981 YA)


The oldest standing site of human civilization, Atlantis is positioned on a key shipping route between Kanchen and the riches of Ter’Ciel, and the major islands of the Myria Federation. Elected the capital of this newly allied group of islands in 531YA, the city has since grown into the prosperous metropolis that it is today. (more...)