

St Manlon | Sagitar | Saser | Serwald | Silvas | Sheldon | Shihan Anglen | Slobar | Smoli | Slocoto | Springville | Stoci

St Manlon

St Manlon, Palmeria

Population: 73,459 (Est. 2955 YA)

The exiled home of the "final" prophet of Anahita, more well known as St Manlon. Whilst Anahitanism officially declares him one of several false prophets, he still commands a large following since his death in 1129 YA. The people hear practice a form of Anahitanism unchanged for nearly two millennium, and is popular with youths who think that it may hold a hidden truth from when the saint was alive.


Sagitar, Bastet

Population: 84,603 (Est, 2981 YA)

The second largest harbour in Bastet, next to the capital Corinth. Located in the south-east, it exports the jewelry and golds of Kano and Solcoto, and the delicate silks of Nare. It then brings in the foodstuffs needed by Bastet, which would go unused in Tanor.


Saser, Ter’Ciel

Population: 87,136 (Est. 2955 YA)

Located at the center of the Barbarian Arc, Saser trades mainly with Kogram in Northern Mazda. The city is built within the catacombs beneath the Cielian plains, a steep relief that leads all the way up to Kestra-Dahn.


Serwald, Escher

Population: 51,379 (Est. 2955 YA)

Founded in the south-west of Escher, it is part of the trade triangle between Warnheim and Lingen, although trade has diminished as Mazda rumbles ever closer.


Silvas, Teshire

Population: 54,329 (Est. 2981 YA)

Silvas is famous for the silver and iron it mines in the surrounding hills, and is part of the complex trade routes within Teshire.


Sheldon, Rossek

Population: 53,379 (Est. 2981 YA)

A medium sized city that lies close to the border with Durian - in fact, it was part of Durian between 1992 YA and 2988 YA. After the Second Apollyon War, King Raldor II appointed a Rossan lord to the city and extended the borders past the city. However, most of the city still considers itself to be Durian and undermines the new rules at every turn.

Shihan Anglen

See Cast Page


Slobar, Durian

Population: 45,248 (Est. 2981 YA)

A small harbour town in the south of Durian, that lies on the main trade route of the county. The majority of its trade goes North to Ter’Ciel and Tekas.


Smoli, Stoci

Population: 48,250 (Est. 2955 YA)

A small city in the north east of Stoci, which trades with Perinan of Palmeria. It is sited near a glass web ("Smoli" means web in the High Tongue) which has baffled even the faeries as to its origin.


Solcoto, Bastet

Population: 89,249 (Est. 2981 YA)

Located in the south-east of Bastet, Solcoto lies beneath the only spring in the region, and plants most of its hardy crops in the marshes above. This leaves the miners free to exploit as many seam as they can for the gold found in the bedrock, whilst others will filter the small stream, dubbed the Yellow River. It is famous for the jewelry it crafts around the jewels mined in Kano, which it then exports across Neon. It is also the home of the Basteti Mint, where the currency is minted and distributed to the several banks across Bastet.


Springville, Tekas

Country Capital

Population: 67,325 (Est. 2955 YA)

Sited at the center of the country, Springville mainly acts as a crossroads between the various trade routes that span the country. It also the home of the First of All, the main ruler of Tekas who is then advised by the various Seconds and Thirds of the country. The river Kinkle flows from a spring in the hills nearby.



Population: 370,000 (Est. 2955 YA, excluding Nori which joined in 2990 YA).

The youngest of the Barbarian countries, formed in 2205 YA after a brief civil war. The county had become isolated from the rest of Theon, as it became stretched over too wide an area. Whilst the fourth Grand Prophet reorganized Theon, the United Alliance shut the borders of the county, and declared itself an independent state. (More...)